An American Werewolf in London:
An American Werewolf in London
Kay Johnson as Madam Satan, 1930
Reginald Southey with human and monkey skeleton
Albumen photograph by Charles Lutwidge Dodgson (nom de plume Lewis Caroll, author of Alice in Wonderland), 1857.
Reginald Southey was an English physician who invented a specialized cannula (tube) for draining the excess fluid from limbs suffering from edema (dropsy). He also apparently served on England’s “Lunacy Commission” so…there’s that. Southey was lifelong friends with Charles Lutwidge Dodgson and was the one who encouraged him to take up photography.
The pensive expression on Southey’s face betrays the fact that he’s standing with his arm around a skeleton rather than a live human. The composition of the photograph and the portrayal of the abnormal as mundane strikes me as incredibly reminiscent of the worlds Dodgson created in his writings.
via the—blackdahlia:
The Mystery of the Leaping Fish, D.W. Griffith, 1916
Caricatures of Death Personified
From a pre-Revolutionary magazine, first published in Russia in 1906. Illustrations by Boris Kustodiev.
Personifications of death included depictions of the devastating 1906 drought and ensuing famine, and the ravages of cholera, in the midst of revolutionary uprisings in Moscow.
Weird Tales, May 1950; cover art by Boris Dolgov
Вычислительный центр Академи наук СССР. Работает “Стрела-3”. Огонёк No. 12. Март 1959. Фото Дм. Бальтерманца
Strela-3 computer in the computing center of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR. In: Ogoniok March 15, 1959. Photo: Dmitry Baltermants.
bildband-book “Sinful Berlin” -
The Twenties- Sex, noise, doom,” (book title)
“Sündiges Berlin ” - Die zwanziger Jahre- Sex, Rausch, Untergang.
(vintage-) scan
Sinful Berlin
Bildband- Das sündige Berlin
Lauren Bacall in ‘To Have and Have Not’ (1944)#Classic #Hollywood Love this movie! @tcm
Movie Monster Portraits by Daniel Horne